import os def new_archivist(): print("zh: 未避免您的节点被 ban,请不要在同一个 IP 下多开!") print("en: To avoid being banned, please do not run concurrently on the same IP!") print("zh: 第一次运行,请输入可以唯一标识您节点的字符串。(合法字符:字母、数字、-、_)") print("en: First run, please input a string that can uniquely identify your node. (Legal characters: letters, numbers, -, _)") with open("ARCHIVIST.conf", "w") as f: f.write(input("ARCHIVIST: ")) return get_archivist() def get_archivist(): if not os.path.exists("ARCHIVIST.conf"): return "" print("zh: 未避免您的节点被 ban,请不要在同一个 IP 下多开!") print("en: To avoid being banned, please do not run concurrently on the same IP!") with open("ARCHIVIST.conf", "r") as f: return[0].strip()