| [2021 - gq's blog](https://zgq.ink/posts/2021-summary) | 1529 | | | [2021 - 青箬笠](https://qingruoli.com/1941.html)
#泰山队球迷 #拿到国家奖学金 #三天一顿小烧烤 #博士生的科研与职业感想 #人生 #即将脱单 | 833 | [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220416065035/https://qingruoli.com/1941.html) | | [2021 Annual Summary - Luyu Huang's Tech Blog](https://luyuhuang.tech/2022/01/01/2021-annual-summary.html)
#习惯养成 #加入大公司 #学英语、写博客、刷LeetCode #做DWords2 #去秦皇岛旅游 | 403 | [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220715145618/https://luyuhuang.tech/2022/01/01/2021-annual-summary.html) | | [2021 « bang’s blog](http://blog.cnbang.net/living/3739/) | 128 | | | [2021 · 抉择、未知、迷茫、恐惧 - 静かな森](https://innei.ren/notes/106) | 286 | | | [2021 – 2022 – 非理勿试](https://www.ntiy.com/1681.html) | 1039 | | | [2021 – 2022 跨年博客 – Fatesinger](https://fatesinger.com/100710) | 1107 | | | [2021 世界终结前一天](https://freemind.pluskid.org/misc/2021-summary/) | 1300 | | | [2021 岁末总结 - 苏洋博客](https://soulteary.com/2021/12/31/2021-year-end-summary.html) | 485 | | | [2021 年个人总结 · 唐巧的博客](https://blog.devtang.com/2022/01/01/2021-summary/) | 115 | | | [2021 年年终总结 - This Cute World](https://thiscute.world/posts/2021-summary/) | 1121 | | | [2021 年年终总结 - 白宦成](https://www.ixiqin.com/2021/12/2021-year-end-summary/) | 150 | | | [2021 年年鉴 - 卡瓦邦噶!](https://www.kawabangga.com/posts/4626) | 991 | | | [2021 年度小结 \| 王子亭的博客](https://jysperm.me/2021/12/summary-of-2021/) | 95 | [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220827205406/https://jysperm.me/2021/12/summary-of-2021/) | [2021 年度总结 - Battle Le](https://battlele.com/2021-review/) | 548 | | | [2021 年度总结 - Lufs's Blog](https://blog.isteed.cc/post/2021-summary/) | 1257 | | | [2021 年度总结 - Platform Thinking +](https://pt.plus/2021-year-in-review/) | 429 | | | [2021 年度总结 - mokeyjay - 超能小紫](https://www.mokeyjay.com/archives/3085) | 779 | | | [2021 年度总结 - 漩涡的博客](https://xuanwo.io/2021/11-2021-review/) | 1101 | | | [2021 年度记录 - YeungYeah 的乱写地](https://scottyeung.top/2022/record-of-2021/) | 265 | | | [2021 年总结 - 吴润写字的地方](http://www.wu.run/2021/12/31/2021-summary/) | 1018 | | | [2021 年总结 – 竹炉山房](https://synyan.cn/t/38681/) | 1125 | | | [2021 年总结和 2022 年计划 - buzhou.blog](https://buzhou.typlog.io/2022jihua) | 1119 | | | [2021 年我读过的书 - wzyboy’s blog](https://wzyboy.im/post/1462.html) | 337 | | | [2021 年末回顧 - 一座島](https://island.shaform.com/zh/2021/12/29/2021-year-in-review/) | 461 | | | [2021 年的总结 - Hi! 上天不?](https://a-wing.top/self/2022/01/01/2021) | 1526 | | | [2021 年终回顾 – EmacsTalk](https://emacstalk.github.io/post/2021-review/) | 982 | | | [2021 年终总结 - Nicksxs's Blog](https://nicksxs.me/2022/01/22/2021-%E5%B9%B4%E7%BB%88%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93/) | 153 | | | [2021 年终总结 - ObservatoryX 天文觀測站](https://observatoryx.github.io/2021/12/20/2021-%E5%B9%B4%E7%BB%88%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93/) | 暂无 | | | [2021 年终总结 - OneV's Den](https://onevcat.com/2021/12/2021-final/) | 116 | | | [2021 年终总结 - Usubeni Fantasy](https://ssshooter.com/2021-12-25-2021-summary/) | 158 | | | [2021 年终总结 - Vigorous Pro](https://www.wevg.org/archives/bye-2021/) | 1115 | | | [2021 年终总结 - Yuexun's Blog](https://www.yuexunjiang.me/blog/2021-summary/) | 213 | | | [2021 年终总结 - forecho's Blog](https://blog.forecho.com/review-of-2021.html) | 92 | | | [2021 年终总结 - 二愣的闲谈杂鱼](https://godruoyi.com/posts/review-2021) | 1242 | | | [2021 年终总结 - 我叫尤加利](https://youjiali1995.github.io/essay/2021-summary/) | 1301 | | | [2021 年终总结 - 时光飞逝的一年 - Muyun](https://muyun.work/2021-summary.html) | 360 | | | [2021 年终总结 - 老高的博客](https://blog.mute-g.com/post/work/summary-2021.html) | 249 | | | [2021 年终总结-JackLee](https://jacklee.club/%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93/2021-12-31-2021%20%E5%B9%B4%E5%BA%A6%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93.html) | 暂无 | | | [2021 年读书记录 - Yiran's Blog](https://zdyxry.github.io/2021/12/31/2021-%E5%B9%B4%E8%AF%BB%E4%B9%A6%E8%AE%B0%E5%BD%95/) | 243 | | | [2021 总结 - EulerianMoe](https://eulerian.xyz/misc/2022/01/01/2021review.html) | 1214 | | | [2021 总结 - 桑弧蓬矢射四方](https://iphyer.github.io/blog/2021/12/31/MySummaryOF2021/) | 224 | | | [2021 总结 - 犀利豆的博客](https://xilidou.com/2022/01/01/2021/) | 172 | | | [2021 总结 – 桑弧蓬矢射四方 – iphyer's Blog Website](https://iphyer.github.io/blog/2021/12/31/MySummaryOF2021/) | 224 | | | [2021 总结与 2022 计划 - 小土刀 2.0](https://wdxmzy.com/pastfuture/year2021/2021/12/31/) | 暂无 | | | [2021 我的年终总结 - 在时空的折跃门前](https://lab.imgb.space/post/2021-on-the-portal) | 908 | | | [2021 节点:赶不上变化的计划 - Phodal - Phodal - A Growth Engineer](https://www.phodal.com/blog/node-2021/) | 32 | | | [2021 路在脚下 – KSkun's Blog](https://ksmeow.moe/2021-forwarding-on-the-way/) | 720 | | | [2021-年度回顧 - Hwchiu Learning Note](https://www.hwchiu.com/2021-review.html) | 352 | | | [2021-年终总结 - Damao](https://damao2250.github.io/2021/12/31/2021-%E5%B9%B4%E7%BB%88%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93/) | 1132 | | | [2021再见,2022你好!——年终总结 - 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ddadaal.me](https://ddadaal.me/articles/summary-for-2021/) | 400 | | | [2021年总结 - luozhiyun`s Blog](https://www.luozhiyun.com/archives/645) | 432 | | | [2021年我最爱的三个产品 - ice @ yaya](https://blog.yaya.pm/2021-fav-products) | 1109 | | | [2021年概览 - Elizen](https://elizen.me/posts/2021/12/2022-happy-new-year/) | 534 | | | [2021年的小总结 - FZDSLR](http://blog.fzdslr.cn/2022-01-01-A_sum_of_2021.html) | 940 | | | [2021年的最后一篇文章 - 加菲猫的创客工坊](https://www.gaficat.com/posts/28ddd435.html) | 235 | | | [2021年程序人生 - 忘忧的小站](https://wangyou233.wang/archives/75) | 1067 | | | [2021年终总结 - @Lenciel](https://lenciel.com/2021/12/last-day-in-2021/) | 316 | | | [2021年终总结 - CrownDaisy丨茼蒿](https://crowndaisy.com/2021-d9be976f33ec4d7087759fa94297148a) | 暂无 | | | [2021年终总结 - Joe’s Blog](https://hijiangtao.github.io/2021/12/29/Letter-to-2021/) | 269 | | | [2021年终总结 - Krypton's Blog](https://blog.2333332.xyz/2022/03/15/2022-03-15-review-2022/) | 549 | | | [2021年终总结 - KuangjuX(狂且)](http://blog.kuangjux.top/2022/01/11/2021%E5%B9%B4%E7%BB%88%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93/) | 716 | | | [2021年终总结 - zu1k](https://lgf.im/posts/thinking/2021/) | 423 | | | [2021年终总结 - 乔克叔叔的床边故事](https://lifeodyssey.github.io/posts/a23e5172.html) | 1192 | | | [2021年终总结 - 乱谈府](https://laffitto.xyz/archives/2021-nian-zhong-zong-jie) | 905 | | | [2021年终总结 - 四公子的剑](https://www.965.one/2021/12/30/2021year-end-summary/) | 238 | | | [2021年终总结 - 小游网](https://xiaoyou66.com/archives/2695/) | 1411 | | | [2021年终总结 - 晓白博客](https://blog.chs.pub/p/end_of_2021/) | 1369 | | | [2021年终总结 – Frank's Weblog](https://nyan.im/p/2021-year-in-review) | 735 | | | [2021年终总结 – yearliny](https://yearliny.com/2021-annual-personal-summary/) | 1116 | | | [2021年终总结,向着2022前进 - 屹铭说](https://www.iccat.cn/2022/01/08/newyear.html) | 暂无 | | | [2021年终总结,继续进步,继续开拓-杨过](https://www.cnblogs.com/gxhao/p/15760426.html) | 暂无 | | | [2021年终总结:你所热爱的,就是你的生活 - Easton Man's Blog](https://blog.eastonman.com/blog/2022/01/end-of-year/) | 784 | | | [2021年终非总结 - 鱼有愚见](https://blog.acwinds.com/2021/12/29/2021-summary/) | 1120 | | | [2021年,无妄之年 - winegrower - 种葡萄并酿酒的人](http://www.winegrower.cn/archives/416/) | 838 | | | [2021总结 - 玉明-风起于青萍之末](https://xdym11235.com/archives/2021year.html) | 1078 | | | [2021我成长了🌈 – 幸吾有志](https://www.symbk.cn/life/622/) | 961 | | | [2021数码消费年终总结 - Eason Yang's Blog](https://easonyang.com/posts/2021-digital-consumption-review/) | 944 | | | [2021,再见;2022,你来了:生活的主动性 - 纬八路生活随笔集](http://www.weibalu.com/?p=4015) | 1103 | | | [2021,自渡向前 - Airing 的小屋](https://me.ursb.me/archives/2021.html) | 1441 | [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220724034015/https://me.ursb.me/archives/2021.html) | | [2022年新博客第一篇文暨个人2021年总结 - Aicsukの世界](https://www.aicsuk.net/liferecord/21zongjoe.html) | 512 | | | [2022,会是一个新的开始吗 - Project RC](https://stdrc.cc/post/2022/01/31/2022-new-beginning/) | 1527 | | | [920.2021年的最后一天 - wys.me](https://www.wys.me/920.html) | 1027 | | | [Debug客栈 2021 年度总结 - Debug客栈](https://www.debuginn.cn/7284.html) | 88 | | | [Goodbye, My 2021 - MlgmXyysd 的猫窝](https://www.neko.ink/2021/12/31/goodbye-my-2021/) | 1126 | | | [Last day of 2021 - Tianke Youke](http://jyzhu.top/2021/12/31/Last-day-of-2021/) | 200 | | | [Last day of 2021 - Tianke Youke](https://jyzhu.top/Last-day-of-2021/) | 200 | | | [Life Sailor » 2021我最大的收获](https://www.lifesailor.me/archives/2794.html) | 876 | | | [State of 2021 - DonaldxDocs](http://article.donaldxdonald.xyz/articles/State-of-2021.html) | 暂无 | | | [[总结] 对过去一年的总结 - Asnull](https://blog.lipux.cn/archives/273.html) | 20 | | | [[青空之蓝-2021] - 远望 - 青空之蓝](https://blog.ixk.me/post/my-2021-year-end-summary) | 228 | | | [⏳请回答2021 - 柳十七的小宇宙](https://liushiqi.xyz/zawen/134.html) | 545 | | | [【随记 #2】一半的年终总结?2021,本心如一。 – 一叶知秋](https://blog.rain.cx/diary/essay-2-half-summary-of-2021/) | 1222 | | | [一万零一种热爱——我的二零二一年 – DGideas' Blog](https://dgideas.net/2022/my-2021/) | 1003 | | | [一个普通程序员的2021 | George's Blog](https://georgech2.github.io/#/posts/8) | 暂无 | | | [不是总结的总结 - 小王子](https://www.wanghao.me/bushizongjiedezongjie.html) | 1108 | | | [二〇二一之观影记录 - 叶星优酸乳](https://weiyexing.ml/posts/film-record-2021/) | 689 | | | [二〇二一之读书记录 - 叶星优酸乳](https://weiyexing.ml/posts/read-record-2021/) | 689 | | | [二〇二一年终总结 - Dawner](https://dawner.top/posts/year-end-summary-2021/) | 373 | | | [二〇二一,还好 :: 木木木木木](https://immmmm.com/right-so-so-2021/) | 77 | | | [二零二一 - 明远的自留地](https://mayandev.top/2022/01/24/2021/2021-year-end/) | 708 | | | [二零二一年终总结 - 吕大卫的官方网站](https://lvdawei.com/post/2021-summary/) | 50 | | | [二零二一年,过眼云烟 – 红灯博客](http://www.hdgogogo.com/4159) | 1102 | | | [人生浪费指南 - 2021年终总结 - 查令十字街 84 号](https://www.javis.me/post/ri-chang/ren-sheng-lang-fei-zhi-nan-\|-2021nian-zhong-zong-jie) | 1127 | | | [你好 2022(2021 年终总结) - Jiajun的编程随想](https://jiajunhuang.com/articles/2021_12_30-hello_2022.md.html) | 146 | | | [你好,这是我的2021 - 梦幻辰风](https://www.mhcf.net/1143.html) | 1128 | | | [再见 2021 - 迷茫且执着](https://ek1ng.com/2022/01/18/%E5%86%8D%E8%A7%812021_%E8%BF%B7%E8%8C%AB%E4%B8%94%E6%89%A7%E7%9D%80/) | 1143 | | | [再见,2021 —— 我的 2021 年度总结 - 宝硕博客](https://blog.baoshuo.ren/post/goodbye-2021/) | 1029 | | | [写在 2021 年末](https://caos.me/2021) | 449 | | | [写在2021年年底的一些废话 \| Revincx的小破站](https://blog.revincx.icu/posts/at-the-ending-of-2021/) | 1352 | [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220905091142/https://blog.revincx.icu/posts/at-the-ending-of-2021/) | | [写在2021年的最后一天 • 李子白了](https://www.mbcao.com/farewell-or-beginning/) | 856 | | | [写在2021最后一天 - 公子府](https://www.gongzi.org/hello-2022.html) | 1104 | | | [剧变中的2021-一个中年工程师的年终总结 - Mobility](https://lichuanyang.top/posts/2345/) | 281 | | | [匆匆忙忙的2021 - LarsCheng](https://www.larscheng.com/2020-summary/) | 266 | | | [半年毕业 半年工作 我的2021年度总结 - 思考问题的熊](https://kaopubear.top/blog/2022-02-02-2021review/) | 734 | | | [发掘过往,筑基未来⸺2021 博客年终总结 - Daniel's Blog](https://moecm.com/the-annual-review-of-2021/) | 957 | | | [告别 2021 - ChungZH's Blog](https://blog.chungzh.cn/articles/goodbye2021/) | 379 | | | [回答2021 - Jinji](https://jinjipang.com/cn/2021/) | 1434 | | | [回顾 2021 · Android Performance](https://androidperformance.com/2022/01/03/2021-Review/) | 1085 | | | [回顾二零二一 - 三无青年](https://www.duanxiansen.com/979.html) | 958 | | | [在远方,这是小谢的2021~ - 小谢在努力](https://www.xxc520.cn/archives/27/) | 1129 | | | [夜航船——2021年终总结 - 薇拉航线](https://www.zuozuovera.com/archives/1774/) | 1138 | | | [好久不见,又是新年 - 见字如面](https://hiwannz.com/archives/672) | 179 | | | [孑然一身的 2021 \| Inoki in the world](https://blog.inoki.cc/2022/02/08/My-2021/) | 1555 | [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220905094130/https://blog.inoki.cc/2022/02/08/My-2021/) | | [小日子2021 - 水八口的冥想盆](https://blog.shuiba.co/colourful-days-2021) | 462 | | | [小树的 2021 年终总结](https://www.yuque.com/yeshu/essay/eahurv) | 暂无 | | | [属于我的三年·第二年 - 欧雷](https://ourai.ws/posts/the-second-year-of-three-years-belonging-to-me/) | 398 | | | [年度报告 - 2021 - 远方 - FlyingSky's Blog](https://blog.fsky7.com/archives/218/) | 暂无 | | | [年终总结 - 回头看看我的 2021 - Zwh's Blog](https://blog.zwh.best/index.php/archives/18/) | 918 | | | [年终总结2021 - [米随随] s5s5](https://s5s5.me/4029) | 1130 | | | [年终总结:2021年的一些回顾和2022年的一些小规划 - 程沛权 - 养了三只猫](https://chengpeiquan.com/article/2021-year-end-summary.html#%E5%8F%82%E4%B8%8E%E6%89%B6%E8%B4%AB) | 686 | | | [年终总结:真正告别2021 - Asnull](https://blog.lipux.cn/archives/331.html) | 20 | | | [当 2021 年的寒冬遇到疫情和离职 - 沈唁志](https://qq52o.me/2800.html) | 722 | | | [惶心博客 2021 年末总结 - 惶心博客](https://huangxin.dev/site-updates/2021-end-of-year-summary) | 1113 | | | [我们该如何去解释这疯狂的一年?](https://feizhaojun.com/?p=3360) | 404 | | | [我的 2021 - Panda Home](https://old-panda.com/2021/12/31/my-2021/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-2021) | 214 | | | [我的 2021 - 忙碌但并不充实 - 保罗的小宇宙](https://paugram.com/essay/bye-2021.html) | 275 | | | [我的 2021 – Blanboom](https://blanboom.org/2022/my-2021/) | 457 | | | [我的 2021 — 251's Blog.](https://blog.251.sh/oh-my-2021) | 552 | | | [我的 2021 年总结 - Yindongliang](https://yindongliang.com/posts/review-2021/) | 1278 | | | [我的 2021 年总结 - 任峻宏的小站](https://renny.ren/ch/articles/33) | 775 | | | [我的 2021 年投资总结 - 深度投资笔记](https://deepinvest.org/post/2021/12/27/milestone-2021/) | 705 | | | [我的 2021 盘点 — 码志](https://mazhuang.org/2022/01/01/my-2021/) | 267 | | | [我的2021 - Thinking Null](https://awsl.blog/2022/2021) | 682 | | | [我的2021 - 后端技术杂谈](https://www.rowkey.cn/blog/2022/02/13/my2021/) | 45 | | | [我的2021 · ZMonster's Blog](https://www.zmonster.me/2022/01/15/annual-summary-of-2021.html) | 456 | | | [我的2021 · 构建我的被动收入](https://www.bmpi.dev/self/annual-summary/2021/) | 313 | | | [我的2021年 \| 二丫讲梵](https://wiki.eryajf.net/pages/008aea/) | 364 | | | [我的2021年 – 胡言胡语](https://husay.cc/4323.html) | 1035 | | | [我的2021年年终总结 - 张浩在路上](https://imzhanghao.com/2022/01/05/summary-2021/) | 1109 | | | [我的2021年终总结 - 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