from functools import wraps import asyncio import os import time from fastapi import FastAPI, Response from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse import meilisearch_python_sdk import meilisearch_python_sdk.errors MEILI_KEY = os.getenv('MEILI_KEY', '') print('$MEILI_KEY', 'set' if MEILI_KEY else 'not set') MEILI_URL = os.getenv('MEILI_URL', '') print('$MEILI_URL', MEILI_URL) STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD = float(os.getenv('STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD')) if os.getenv('STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD') else ( os.cpu_count() / 1.5 if os.cpu_count() else 1.5 ) print('$STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD', STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD) STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS = int(os.getenv('STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS')) if os.getenv('STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS') else ( int(STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD * 2) ) STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS = STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS if STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS >= 1 else 1 print('$STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS', STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS) STWP_SEARCH_CORS = os.getenv('STWP_SEARCH_CORS', ','.join([ # '', '*' ])) print('$STWP_SEARCH_CORS', STWP_SEARCH_CORS) app = FastAPI() # set CORS app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=STWP_SEARCH_CORS.split(','), allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) index_name = "entry" async def get_load(): with open('/proc/loadavg', 'r') as f: load =[0] return float(load) def load_limiter(func): @wraps(func) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if await get_load() > STWP_SEARCH_MAX_LOAD: print('[INFO] 荷载过高') return JSONResponse({ 'hits': [ { 'title': '丑搜当前荷载过高,请稍后再试', 'content': '服务器荷载过高,请稍后再试。原因:1. 数据库正在更新全文索引 2. 服务器没有摸鱼,在干其它重荷载的任务', 'author': ';丑搜', 'date': int(time.time()), 'link': '#', }, ], 'error': '丑搜当前荷载过高,请稍后再试', }, status_code=503, headers={'Retry-After': '30'}) return await func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper flying_ops = 0 def ops_limiter(func): @wraps(func) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global flying_ops if flying_ops >= STWP_SEARCH_MAX_FLYING_OPS: print('[INFO] 操作过多') return JSONResponse({ 'hits': [ { 'title': '飞行中的搜索过多,请稍后再试', 'content': '同一时间内的搜索请求过多。请稍后再试。', 'author': ';丑搜', 'date': int(time.time()), 'link': '#', }, ], 'error': '操作过多,请稍后再试', }, status_code=503, headers={'Retry-After': '30'}) flying_ops += 1 try: return await func(*args, **kwargs) finally: flying_ops -= 1 return wrapper client = meilisearch_python_sdk.AsyncClient(MEILI_URL, MEILI_KEY) @app.get('/api/') async def go_back_home(): # redirect to / return Response(status_code=302, headers={'Location': '/'}) @app.get('/api/entry/{entry_id}') @load_limiter @ops_limiter async def article(entry_id: int): results = {} results['data'] = await client.index(index_name).get_document(entry_id) results['humans.txt'] = 'is_favorite 目前与主数据库不同步' return results @app.get('/api/stats') @app.head('/api/stats') @load_limiter @ops_limiter async def stats(): stats = await client.index(index_name).get_stats() return stats @app.get('/api/search') @load_limiter @ops_limiter async def search(q: str = 'saveweb', p: int = 0, f: str = 'false', h: str = 'false'): query = q # 搜索词 page = p # 0-based fulltext = f # 返回全文(搜索还是以全文做搜索,只是返回的时候限制一下长度) highlight = h # 是否高亮 print(query, page, 'fulltext:', fulltext, 'highlight:', highlight) with open('search.log', 'a') as fio: fio.write(query + '\t' + str(page) + '\n') # 搜空,返空 if not query: return JSONResponse({ 'error': '搜索词为空', }, status_code=400) opt_params = { 'limit': 10, 'offset': 10 * page, 'attributes_to_retrieve': ['id', 'id_feed', 'title', 'content', 'link', 'date', 'tags', 'author', 'lastSeen'], } if fulltext != 'true': opt_params['attributes_to_crop'] = ['content'] opt_params['crop_length'] = 120 if highlight == 'true': opt_params['attributes_to_highlight'] = ['title', 'content', 'date', 'tags', 'author'] opt_params['highlight_pre_tag'] = '' opt_params['highlight_post_tag'] = '' # 第一次搜索 try: _results = await client.index(index_name).search(query, **opt_params) except meilisearch_python_sdk.errors.MeilisearchError as e: print('数据库错误', e) return { 'hits': [ { 'title': '数据库错误', 'content': '查询数据库时出错。如果一直出现这个错误,说明数据库寄了,请反馈。', 'author': ';丑搜', 'date': int(time.time()), 'link': '#', }, ], 'error': '数据库错误', } lengths : dict[str, int]= {} if fulltext != 'true': # 再搜索一次,获取全文长度 opt_params = { 'limit': 10, 'offset': 10 * page, 'attributes_to_retrieve': ['id', 'id_feed', 'title', 'content', 'link', 'date', 'tags', 'author', 'lastSeen'], } _results2 = await client.index(index_name).search(query, **opt_params) for hit in _results2.hits: lengths.update({str(hit['id']): len(hit['content'])}) # replace the hit with _formatted for hit in _results.hits: if fulltext != 'true': assert lengths != {} if str(hit['id']) in lengths: hit['content_length'] = lengths[str(hit['id'])] else: hit['content_length'] = len(hit['content']) if '_formatted' in hit: hit.update(hit['_formatted']) del hit['_formatted'] results = { 'hits': _results.hits, 'estimatedTotalHits': _results.estimated_total_hits, #TODO: estimatedTotalHits 改为 estimated_total_hits 'humans.txt': '使用 API 时请检查 error 字段,高荷载/出错时会返回它。is_favorite 字段目前与主数据库不同步,只有在全库重新索引时才会更新。', } return results @app.route('/') async def root(request): return HTMLResponse(open('templates/index.html', 'r').read()) # 反正只有一个页面 async def main(): import hypercorn.asyncio config = hypercorn.Config() config.bind = ['[::]:8077'] await hypercorn.asyncio.serve(app, config) if __name__ == '__main__': # hypercorn --bind '[::]:8077' saveweb-search-backend:app